Costs and interest

Due to the increasing administrative costs, we included to option to add costs and interest on certain contracts on liquidity support. We will always discuss about the need of costs and interest with the application on liquidity support. We will always keep FATF,  AEGEE and the network best interest in mind.

Costs and interest 2023 (valid from 1 May 2023) *1

  • From € 0 to € 5000 a fixed costs of € 19,- and interest *2
  • From € 5001 to € 10.000 a fixed costs of € 38,- and interest *2
  • From € 10.001 to € 15.000 a fixed costs of € 57,- and interest *2
  • From € 15.001 to € 20.000 a fixed costs of € 76,- and interest *2
  • Etc (for each € 5000 a fixed costs of € 19,-

*1 be aware that the CIF limits the maximum amount on outstanding loans and support and the maximum certain liquidity loans can be. This table only shows the way the costs are calculated, not the support that could be requested at any time.

*2 Interest will be according: the ECB interest rate for main refinancing operations plus 0,5% valid at the time of signing the contract per year.